E - Account

Why "ECount" Logistics Managment Software ?

Logistics software with Accounting Facility that is easy to use and flexible.
eCount Software is windows based solution, for Logistics companies, which integrates with all the standard Microsoft tools.
Aimed at Cargo, Full Load, Logistic Transport, Fleet Owner & Transport Contractors
Scalable from Small Logistics to Large Logistics
You Don't have to understand Complex Logistics Terms. Work faster, Can Work from any where and save time

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Accounts Management


Stay fully connected and master your contacts.

Create and manage contact details for consignor, consignee, commission agent, fuel pumps, driver/Vehicals etc.
Optionally send event driven SMS (Short Message Service) automatically; i.e. eCount can be configured to automatically send SMS to respective contact on events such as billing, payment receipt, delivery etc.
Manage multiple billing/delivery addresses for consignees and billing parties.
Attach scanned copies of Driving license, Photo identity proof etc. with Truck/Driver contacts.
Merge duplicate contacts.

Our Work

Empowering your tasks with innovative technology. Seamlessly integrated for peak performance.

Expence Management

Costs and challenges for running Logistics business increases by each passing day. To run Logistics operations efficiently, we have designed it to maximize operational efficiencies and minimize cost to help your business grow.

Book expenses incurred in a round trip including driver allowances.
Compare cash advance with expenses incurred and allocate balances to accounting ledgers.
Calculate days spent to complete a round trip and compare them with revenues generated to get income per day.
Provide opening and closing odometer reading and get mileage returned by the vehicle to complete a round trip.
Get cost managed by categories like diesel, tyres, lubricants, repairs etc. and compare them with revenues generated by each vehicle to get profitability.
Get vehicle expenses based on spare parts and thus monitor aging vehicles.

Trip Management


eCount’s easier Trip Management and flexible navigation lets you generate trips in a brisk. Its integration across all modules provides a complete and comprehensive coverage of all aspects from accounts, through e-Transport and fleet management, scheduling to route optimization.

Create and manage trips for each and every vehicle; or easily import them, from Microsoft excel worksheet, directly to eCount.
Create trip challans, Print Bilty (Lorry Receipt) or Freight Voucher from trips automatically.
Automatic allocation of cash and diesel advance to accounting ledgers.
Option to mention cash or diesel advance received from billing party.
Option to allocate expenses, other than freight, that can be billed to billing party or paid to vehicle owner/commission agent.
Create up to 10 User fields for additional information to meet your requirement.
Manage shortage and detentions.

Generate Professional
Freight Invoices

Multiple options to filter trips for freight invoice generation.
Create freight invoice with detention charges or generate a separate invoice for detention charges.
Create freight invoice with expenses incurred on behalf of party or create separate debit note for the same.
Choose invoice format from wide range of pre-installed templates or let us create one as per your specification and print them on plain, headed or pre-printed paper.
Supports multiple formats for invoice printing.
Get complete control over invoice nos. i.e. either same sequence can be allocated to each invoice or parallel sequence can be generated for different invoices.
eCount automatically ensures each trip is only billed once.

Hired Vehicle / Subcontractor Management

The system automatically calculates when and how much a contractor should be paid and generates Freight Statement (payment advice / credit note) based on the same.

Software automatically manages deductions such as shortage, cash and diesel advance, TDS etc., and ensures each trip is only paid once.
There is no need for the subcontractor to invoice your company.

Financial Accounting

eCount covers all the accounting and financial requirements of a Logistics business. You will love ability to drill into original transaction whenever it occurs without having to navigate in and out of modules.

Manage receipts, payments, journals and contras.
Manage debit notes and credit notes.
Manage cash and fund flow.
Manage bills receivables and bills payables.
Bank reconciliation.
Voucher Printing
Cheque Printing

Get Reminded Anytime


Have you ever missed a date? With eCount, you can be left assured that you will never miss important things related to maintenance of your vehicles or other things which are required to be performed on time.

Set due dates and reminders for important events such as vehicle insurance, PUC, instalment and others.
Set due dates and reminders for Driving or HazChem license expiry of drivers.
Get reminded on vehicle maintenance events, such as Wheel Greasing and Oil Change.
Get reminded on trips pending to be billed.

Workshop Management

eCount helps you manage workshop and maintenance operations to ensure you meet the regulatory and safety standards for all vehicles in the most cost efficient and well planned way.

Track maintenance history of each and every vehicle and generate detailed reports with accurate costs.
System predicts when the maintenance needs to be carried out based on odometer or date information from vehicle’s master data.
A fully integrated stock control system keeps parts and individual stock records; including stock of old tyres.
Reduce administrative cost to manage compliance.

Supply Management

Get reports based on parts, diesel and tyres purchased, filter by date, supplier and item name.

Compare rates for individual items to get vendor with the lowest rates.
Generate purchase order using purchase order builder so that software help you generate purchase order based on recent purchase history with lowest rates.
Automatically match invoices with delivery notes.

Get Insights
From Your Business

The eCount reporting suite includes wide range of reports that help you set real time goals and track the right metrics. It helps you assess, compare, summarize and scrutinize performance and gives you a quick view of the most critical data.


Trip Reports


Get reports on trip history with loading and unloading details, cash and diesel advances, shortage, detention, outward bill details, inward bill details and more. Which can be filtered by virtually anything that you can think of, be it consignor, consignee, subcontractor, vehicle no, product, loading station, unloading station to name few.

Trip Sundries let you figure out cost centres allocated to various trips which can be categorized in inward or outward receivables as well as outward deductibles.
Diesel register lets you assess diesel consumption for a trip which can be assessed based on pump, vehicle, date and subcontractor.
Delivery Order Details lets you assess status of delivery order and trips performed against each delivery order with balance quantity.
Shortage register lets you assess trips with shortage, which can be filtered by vehicle no. date, party, subcontractor, loading and unloading station.
Un-billed trips generate a report on trips that are pending either to be inward or outward billing.

Comparison Reports

The eCount reporting suite includes wide range of reports that help you set real time goals and track the right metrics. It helps you assess, compare, summarize and scrutinize performance and gives you a quick view of the most critical data.

Compare income as against expenses incurred during a trip in trip-wise income register.
Vehicle Statement lets you compare revenues generated by a vehicle during a said period as against expenses incurred through Trip Expense, Fuel consumption, Tyres, Spares, Repairs and Lubricants, to identify profitable and loss making vehicles.
Comparison report lets you compare income generated from a hired vehicle as against expenses incurred in hiring, to calculate commission income.

Summary Reports

Get summary reports on delivery orders, Trips, Commission Income and Freight Statement to name few.
Vehicle revenues, costs and profits down to per kilometre level.
Reports on profitable routes down to per kilometre level.
Comprehensive reporting on the profitability of each and every vehicle and vehicle groups.

Inventory Reports

Reports on Stock Summary, Movement and vouchers.
Stock Inward and Outward Registers.
Tyre consumption report

Secure And Accessible

Role based profiles can be used to secure and simplify process, features and functions for each group of employees.
Keep an eye on who did what?
System automatically saves information such as who created, modified or accessed which entry, at what time and from which computer.
You can also track which entry was deleted by whom, at what time and from which computer.
Online connectivity provides real time low cost access to information across all parts of your business.
Offline connectivity provides the cheapest and almost real time access to information across all parts of your business.