E - Account

Why "ECount" Online Accounting Software ?

Super Fast Process, fill like Desktop Software & Easy to Understand
Developed in Latest Technology
Our Server is Never Crashed and giving 24 x 7 Hours Live Service.
Auto backup Syscronization in DropBox or Google Drive
Upgrades With Government rules and regulations
Free Mobile Version, Connect your business Wherever you are..

Ask For A Demo

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Online Billing / Ordering Software

You Don't have to understand Complex Accounting and their terms.
Maintain Receivable/Payable accountants.
Multi Customer Handling from Multiple Branch Options
Accounts Vouchers & Cheque Printing
Schemes, Multilevel Discounts Plus Commission Entry Options
Generate Bill using VAT, Excise, GST, Other Expanse and more.

Our Work

Empowering your tasks with innovative technology. Seamlessly integrated for peak performance.


Online Inventory Software

Completely Solution of Stock Maintenance with Dual Location Maintenance
Maintain Challan + Bill + Stock transfer facility with Location plus Branch wise.
Barcode Scanning & Manual Billing
Brand, Group & Category Wise Inventory
Primary and Alternative Unit for Each Item (*Unit Conversion Option)
Stock Valuation on Multiple Methods

Sales Tracking System

Online Order Processing System
Mulitple Branch Option with CRM Facility
Salesman Wise Login and Salesman Wise Customers Data View Option
Sales Targetn and Dealer Managment Option
Outstanding List Salesman Wise
GPS Tracking For Salesman
Daily Reporting and Reminder Options